
Google Analytics

Posted by Honey | 11:50 AM | 0 comments »

You already know your visitors are the life blood of your business. The more you know about them, the more you can target offers to them that will make you money.

One of the best tools for doing that is a free tool from Google called Google Analytics.

Once you sign up for Google Analytics you simply place a small piece of code on each of your web pages (this can be easily done in Blogger or Wordpress by simply modifying the footer) and from that point on Google watches every one of your visitors and gives you tons of stats.

What does Google Analytics tell you? This is a brief list.

-Where your visitors came from
-How long they stayed on your site
-What keywords are being typed into what search engines to get to your site
-How many pages and the exact pages your visitors visited
-Whether they bought a product or not
-How your PPC or other advertising campaign is performing
-Whether someone joined your list and who sent them
-What links people are clicking on your site
-Hundreds of other things

The best way to get to know Google Analytics is to try it out for yourself. It’s free. It’s fast. It’s cool. What more can you ask for?